Here are some easy to follow home brewing guidelines for some of our favorite brew methods. 

Kalita Wave (185)

We use the Kalita Wave in our cafes for our pour-over selections.

  • Heat Water to 205°F

  • Preheat brewer and rinse filter by pouring a few ounces of your hot water through it (discard this water)

  • Add 25 grams of your coffee ground between fine and medium then tare scale

  • Start the timer as you pour 60 grams of water in a spiral motion

  • At 30 seconds, continue pouring in a spiral reaching 400 grams around 1:45min

  • The water should finish dripping by 2:15 or 2:30min (adjust grind to fit this time)

Chemex (8 cup)

The Chemex is an elegant and easy way to brew a great tasting cup. 

  • Heat Water to 205°F

  • Add filter with thicker (3 layered) side against the spout.

  • Preheat brewer and rinse filter by pouring a few ounces of your hot water through it (discard this water)

  • Add 45 grams of your coffee ground between medium and coarse then tare scale

  • Bring water to just off boil 205-208F

  • Pour 100g water evenly saturating the coffee and wait 30 seconds

  • At 30 seconds, steadily pour down the center reaching 400 grams

  • Pour in a spiral to re-saturate the grounds then go back to a center pour reaching 720 grams around 3 minutes

  • It should finish dripping by 4 minutes (adjust grind to fit this time)

Hario V60

Perfect for brewing yourself a cup over your favorite mug!

  • Fold crease on paper filter flat 

  • Pre rinse filter and brewer then discard water from server

  • Add 20g coffee medium-finely ground 

  • Bring water to just off boil pour at 205 - 208°F

  • Pour 40g of water and let coffee bloom for 30 seconds

  • Pour water to 300g total water in a repeating spiraling motion 

  • Total brew time 2:15


We like to take this with us camping...light and durable.

  • Heat Water to 205°F

  • Add filter to basket and affix to brewer

  • Pre-heat filter and brewer with a few ounces of your water (discard this water)

  • Add 18 grams of coffee ground between fine and medium then tare scale

  • Start the timer as you pour 270 grams of water
    Gently stir three times then quickly affix plunger to prevent too much water dripping through

  • At 1:30, slowly plunge for 30 seconds

  • Stop plunging when all water has been pushed through

French Press (8 cup)

Always a simple method for when you have friends over for brunch. Makes a full-bodied cup perfect for a rainy day.

  • Heat Water to 205°F

  • Preheat press and plunger with a few ounces of your hot  water (discard this water)

  • Add 42 grams of your coarse-ground coffee and tare scale, start the timer as you pour 100 grams of water

  • Using a plastic or wooden utensil, stir the coffee and water to make sure there are no dry grounds

  • Add 600 grams of water for a total weight of 700 grams

  • When the timer reads 4 minutes, press the plunger down slowly and serve right away

Cold Brew

One of the most satisfying brew methods...overnight magic!

  • Use any vessel you have at home!  We like to use a large mason jar or pitcher.

  • Then come visit us and pick up a bag of beans!  We have been brewing the Shamba lately (we swear we can taste notes of strawberry), but both Heartbreaker and Momentum make great cold brews and they are available in bulk bags in case you need to make a big batch.

  • Grind the beans on a coarse setting (about 90% as coarse as your grinder will go or ask your barista to grind for you if you don’t have a grinder at home).

  • Put the ground coffee (the full 12oz bag) in your vessel and add approximately 96 oz of room temperature filtered water.

  • Stir until the grounds are saturated with water. At home, we usually use chopsticks or a wooden spoon.

  • Brew at room temp covered for 18 hours.

  • Strain through a filter. Since the coffee has been coarsely ground, you can use a tea strainer, colander, cheese cloth - basically anything you can find. 

  • You now have a delicious cold brew concentrate!

  • Cut with water (50/50 or to taste) then serve over ice and enjoy!